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French-speaking Specialist

French-speaking Specialist

Grafton Recruitment Polska Sp. z o.o.
praca stacjonarna
3430 dni temu

Grafton Recruitment jest częścią Grafton Employment Group, która działa w ramach stale rosnącej sieci biur na całym świecie. Jesteśmy jedną z wiodących firm rekrutacyjnych na terenie Europy, prężnie rozwijamy się na pozostałych kontynentach. Wśród naszych Klientów są najbardziej znane międzynarodowe oraz polskie firmy. Budujemy długotrwałe relacje z naszymi kandydatami i staramy się opierać współpracę na partnerskich kontaktach. Kandydaci mają możliwość współpracy z wyspecjalizowanym zespołem konsultantów pracujących dla wszystkich branż.

French-speaking Specialist

Miejsce pracy: Łódź

Nr Ref.: 9-13-27549/PC

Opis stanowiska:
Candidates with French skills are being searched to work in one of the most innovative Business Centres in Poland!
The employer is a global leader that provides complex IT solutions within international environment. If you have the advanced knowledge of French and a good command of English you are invited to apply for this job position!

Work place: Central Part of Poland - Łódź

Your tasks will be to:

- provide the support for the foreign languages speaking users (French and English speaking countries)
- be responsible for keeping the phone calls and correspondence in foreign languages
- prepare documents
- reporting
- good knowledge of French (at least B2/ C1)
- good knowledge of English (at least B2)
- positive attitude
- ability to work in a multicultural environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity
- experience in Customer Service position will be an asset (but is not required!)
Informacje dodatkowe:
- valuable experience in international
environment and multilingual team
- attractive salary and benefits
- full time job contract
- clear carrier path and possibility of further development in organization

Are you interested in this position? Please fill in the contact form or send us your CV both in English and Polish language with the ref. number in the subject of your application.
If you have had an interview in Grafton already, please contact your consultant directly via e-mail.

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