Arteria S.A. oferuje usługi outsourcing'u sprzedaży polegające między innymi na: zdefiniowaniu strategii sprzedaży, oferowaniu pełnej organizacji, zarządzania i wykonania zadań związanych ze sprzedażą produktów i usług zewnętrznych zleceniodawców, oraz zarządzaniu relacjami z ich klientami.

Archiwalne oferty pracy

  • Google Ads Agency Strategist (Croatian speaker)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1943 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global clients who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Google Ads Agency Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Google Ads Agency Strategist (Estonian speaker)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1943 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global clients who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Google Ads Agency Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Google Ads Agency Strategist (Hungarian speaker)

    Arteria G Partner Sp. z o.o.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1943 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global clients who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Google Ads Agency Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Google Ads Agency Strategist (Latvian speaker)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1943 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global clients who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Google Ads Agency Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Google Ads Agency Strategist (Lithuanian speaker)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1943 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global clients who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Google Ads Agency Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Google Ads Agency Strategist (Serbian speaker)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1943 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global clients who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Google Ads Agency Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Google Ads Agency Strategist (Slovenian speaker)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1943 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global clients who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Google Ads Agency Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • GoogleAds Account Strategist with Romanian language

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1954 dni
    Overall Job Purpose: This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global client who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Digital Marketing Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Digital Marketing Strategist (Czech or Slovakian speakers)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1962 dni
    This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global client who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Digital Marketing Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Customer Service Specialist

    Arteria S.A.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    aplikuj szybko  aplikuj bez CV
    1962 dni
    During your work you will be responsible for supporting the customers of the online store selling women's clothing.
  • Kierownik Projektu

    Arteria S.A.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    aplikuj szybko  aplikuj bez CV
    1967 dni
    Kierownik Projektu to osoba, która odpowiada za pracę zespołów Obsługi Klienta oraz Sprzedaży. Dba o wysoki poziom kontaktu i usług świadczonych Klientom, a także pracuje nad tym, aby jakość oferowanych usług była cały czas poprawiana. W zakresie odpowiedzialności Kierownika jest...
  • Google Ads Strategist (Turkish or Arabic speaker)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    1970 dni
    This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global client who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Digital Marketing Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.
  • Doradca ds. obsługi klienta- infolinia

    Arteria S.A.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    aplikuj szybko  aplikuj bez CV
    2003 dni
    Opis stanowiska: Obsługa infolinii odnośnie dostaw towarów;
  • Specjalista ds. Kadr i Płac

    Arteria S.A.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    aplikuj szybko  aplikuj bez CV
    2004 dni
    Zakres obowiązków samodzielna i kompleksowa obsługa kadrowo-płacowa pracowników firmy; prowadzenie dokumentacji personalnej związanej z nawiązaniem, przebiegiem i rozwiązaniem stosunku pracy oraz umów cywilno-prawnych; naliczanie wynagrodzeń; rozliczanie czasu pracy pracowników;...
  • Digital Marketing Strategist (Polish speakers)

    G Partner   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    2038 dni
    This position offers you the opportunity to work alongside one of our high profile global client who specializes in digital marketing and online advertising. As a Digital Marketing Strategist you would be responsible for the overall key customer service process.

Arteria S.A.

Stawki 2A

00-193 Warszawa