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Android Software Architect in US

Mobica Limited Sp. z o.o. Oddzial w Polsce
praca stacjonarna
3334 dni temu

Mobica is a leading English software services company working on the cutting edge of mobile technology, from the chipset up to application layer. We are undertaking major projects for many of the world's leading mobile device manufacturers, mobile platform companies, chipset companies and operators. For further information, visit our website at

Android Software Architect in US

Place of work: Bydgoszcz

  • At least 4 years of experience in Android apps development and in total 8 years of experience in software development
  • Commercial experience as software architect
  • Exposure to mobile middleware and integration with different web services and message exchanges (e.g. SOAP, REST, XML, JSON)
  • Strong understanding of the server side software, scalability, performance and reliability aspects
  • Strong analytics skills
  • Very good knowledge of English
  • Very good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Willingness to travel for 1 year
  • Analysis of functional requirements
  • Design of mobile application architecture and mobile application specifications
Desired skills:
  • An experience in mobile application platforms iOS, Windows Phone and different mobile application technologies based on HTML5
  • Love to solve problems with elegant and robust solution
  • Ability to solve problems quickly and completely
  • Enjoy technology and learning new skills
  • Good team worker with the ability to work independently
  • Positive attitude and have a sense of humor
We offer:
  • Participation in interesting project for one of the largest companies in the world
  • Opportunity to work in US for 1 year
  • Opportunities to develop and improve skills
  • Accommodation guaranteed
  • Medical insurance
  • Budget for domestic flights
  • Ongoing administrative support from Mobica
  • Competitive salary

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