Najnowsze oferty pracy

  • Developer IT - Programista

    GDAŃSKI UNIWERSYTET MEDYCZNY   Gdańsk    praca stacjonarna   dziś wygasa
    specjalista junior / mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny realizuje projekt Interdyscyplinarnego Pomorskiego Centrum Medycyny Cyfrowej (IP_CMC). Przez najbliższe kilka lat GUMed planuje zmienić świat medycyny cyfrowej. Szukamy osoby będącej spoiwem łączącym świat IT i medycznych badań naukowych, a to wszystko w...
Zobacz więcej ofert pracy Praca Lubuskie Programista Java Lubuskie
Java Chief Software Architect

Java Chief Software Architect

praca stacjonarna
2612 dni temu


Crossover provides Fortune 1000 companies with a marketplace of the top talent in the world. We put candidates through a series of rigorous evaluations to find the best.

Think you are one of them? Apply now.


Java Chief Software Architect


Do you get excited at the idea of architecting, building and delivering real enterprise-class software products to customers while and being a hands-on peer leader of top development resources?

Do you consider yourself amongst the top 1% of Java developers globally and eager to work on new challenging projects and technologies?

Are you interested in joining a network of the most talented engineers in the world while earning $100,000 USD - and with the ability to work wherever you want?

If you said yes to any of the questions above, this role is for you.

What are the expectations?

  • The Java Chief Architect role is the highest level of our technical positions and requires an expert-level understanding of Java and related technologies.
  • The position is a hands-on leadership role.  You will need a startup mindset, wearing multiple hats from CTO to lead architect to lead developer on the most complex elements of the product.  You will also be a technical team leader and solution evangelist.
  • In the role - you will be creating solutions architecture, algorithms, and designs that scale to the customer's enterprise/global requirements It’s your responsibility to ensure that the customers are blown away by the technical differentiation and quality of the product.
  • Though we like to remove most of the management overhead for our Chief Architects to let you focus on the key technical solutions - you will be a peer-leader of a team of architects and developers to apply software engineering best practices and implement automations across all elements of solution delivery. 

Ideal Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering
  • At least 8 years of experience on hands-on Java development and related technologies
  • Has worked with back end technologies based on both J2EE and latest frameworks like Spring.
  • Has good experience with the TDD approach, doing unit testing, mocking, integration/UI testing, behavior driver testing.
  • Has experience working with two or more of data-related technologies and familiarity with others from various Relational databases, Nosql databases, Caching systems, Full Text Search engines, Big Data systems.
  • Has good experience working with, setting up and configuring any continuous integration and delivery systems, any code quality automation technologies.


A key benefit of joining Crossover is that all roles are location independent - live and work anywhere.  We believe you should let people work from where ever they believe they can be most productive.  We simply ask you to be productive for 40 hours on a weekly basis. You feel like swimming whole Monday? Totally fine!

Here's what we offer:

Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity Dz. U. z 2016 r. poz. 922 z późn. zm. ). Jednocześnie oświadczam, że zostałem/am poinformowany/a o dobrowolności podania danych osobowych oraz prawie dostępu do treści swoich danych i ich poprawiania.

Podobne oferty

  • Developer IT - Programista

    GDAŃSKI UNIWERSYTET MEDYCZNY   Gdańsk    praca stacjonarna   dziś wygasa
    specjalista junior / mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny realizuje projekt Interdyscyplinarnego Pomorskiego Centrum Medycyny Cyfrowej (IP_CMC). Przez najbliższe kilka lat GUMed planuje zmienić świat medycyny cyfrowej. Szukamy osoby będącej spoiwem łączącym świat IT i medycznych badań naukowych, a to wszystko w...