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Product Owner

Grafton Recruitment
praca stacjonarna
2594 dni temu
Grafton Recruitment, firma założona w 1982 roku w Irlandii, to wiodąca agencja rekrutacyjna z ponad 30 letnim doświadczeniem. Grafton Recruitment jest jedną z największych niezależnych firm rekrutacyjnych w Europie, wyspecjalizowaną w rekrutacji profesjonalistów średniego i wyższego szczebla we wszystkich sektorach. Gwarancją wysokiej jakości naszych usług jest posiadany certyfikat ISO 9001.

Agencja zatrudnienia (nr licencji 812)
Product Owner
Job location: Kraków
Nr ref.: 6-10-41717/PC
Our Client, the leading European e-commerce company, is looking for new joiners to the team, which currently consists of 300 interdisciplinary Specialists and Managers from more than 30 countries who work at 10 locations across Europe in Sales & Marketing, IT, Operations and Administrative departments. To maintain the success going forward, they are looking for individuals who can develop business and contribute to the creation of a positive corporate culture by not only demonstrating versatile professional expertise, but also by exhibiting a passion for performance, analysis and solution-based methodologies. This includes adapting to changes, networking extensively and understanding the digital market and our business model in-depth.

At this moment, we are looking for a Product Owner who will become a part of a great team and will be responsible for:
  • Owning, prioritizing and facilitating the product backlog to ensure that the development team can deliver enhancements to our operations software components
  • Shaping the vision and roadmap for your products together with top level management and key stakeholders from Operations (e.g. supply chain management, transportation, warehousing, replenishment)
  • Representing the business for your “product” area, fostering strong relationships with key stakeholders to ensure that their views and requirements are captured in the product backlog
  • Clearly communicating and documenting scope, vision, as well as business value of proposed development projects
  • Closely cooperating with development teams across multiple European locations and ensuring that products are developed incrementally such that the most valuable features are implemented first
  • Degree in Economics/ Computer Science, Business Administration or related field of study
  • At least 3-5 years of relevant professional experience as Product Owner or Project Manager in e-commerce and/or Operations
  • An agile mindset and solution oriented approach, focused on bringing valuable features to life through close collaboration and teamwork
  • Distinctive business focus taking into consideration customer requirements along with analytical thinking
  • Fluent English
  • Attractive salary
  • Benefit package (Multisport card and private medical care)
  • Additional 4 days of holiday
  • 1500 Euro for trainings per year
  • “Choose your own gear”- you decide what kind of hardware you need
  • iPhone 6 for your private use
  • “Innovation time” 4 hours per week

Recruitment Agency No. 812.
Uprzejmie informujemy, że skontaktujemy się tylko z wybranymi kandydatami. Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesyłanie aplikacji za pomocą przycisku pod ogłoszeniem: "APLIKUJ TERAZ".
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.).”