Praca Pomorskie Gdańsk Specjalista ds. Social Media Gdańsk
Personalized Internet Ads Assessor - Polish - Freelance

Personalized Internet Ads Assessor - Polish - Freelance

TELUS International AI Inc.
specjalista (mid)
praca zdalna
22 godz. temu
Personalized Internet Ads Assessor - Polish - Freelance
Fully remote work
Job Description:
Seeking a freelance project that will allow you to work from home while making a difference in the world of technology? If you are someone who is passionate and enjoys staying ahead of the tech curve this part-time remote project with flexible working hours might be what you are looking for!
The estimated hourly earnings for this role is $7.50 USD. Payment is based on completed tasks with possible higher earnings depending on your productivity.
A Day in the Life of a Personalized Internet Ads Assessor:
  • In this role, you will be reviewing online advertisements by rating them on their relevance to the search terms used as well as providing feedback on their language and cultural relevance in order to improve their content, quality, and layout
  • Your ultimate goal will be to contribute towards making internet search and online advertising more relevant and interesting for millions of users, including yourself.
Join our team today and start putting your skills to work for one of the world's leading online advertising platforms while being a part of a supportive community that offers:
  • Access to complimentary mental health support benefits like free EAP and Mindfulness Apps.
  • Dedicated, responsive well-being team proactively offering well-being education each month, as well as quarterly initiatives.
TELUS International AI Community

Our global AI Community is a vibrant network of 1 million+ contributors from diverse backgrounds who help our customers collect, enhance, train, translate, and localize content to build better AI models. Become part of our growing community and make an impact supporting the machine learning models of some of the world’s largest brands.

Qualification Path:
No previous professional experience is required to apply to this role, however, working on this project will require you to pass the basic requirements and go through a standard assessment process. This is a part-time long-term project and your work will be subject to our standard quality assurance checks during the term of this agreement.
Basic Requirements
  • Working as a freelancer with excellent communication skills with full professional proficiency in English and Polish
  • Having familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media, and cultural affairs in Poland
  • Active use of Gmail, Google+, and other forms of social media and experience in the use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content
  • Daily access to a broadband internet connection, a smartphone (Android 4.1, iOS 8 or higher), and a personal computer with antivirus software to work on. You’ll also need a Barcode Scanner application to be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks.

In order to be hired into the program, you’ll take a language assessment and an open book qualification exam that will determine your suitability for the position and complete ID verification. You'll also be invited for a short video interview so we can get to know each other better and have a short conversation in German. Don’t worry, our team will provide you with guidelines and learning materials before your exam. You will be required to complete the exam in a specific timeframe but at your convenience!
Equal Opportunity

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for a contractual relationship without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status. At TELUS International AI, we are proud to offer equal opportunities and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community. All aspects of selection are based on applicants’ qualifications, merits, competence, and performance without regard to any characteristic related to diversity.
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„Aplikuj szybko” oznacza, że jednym kliknięciem zaaplikujesz na ogłoszenie. Pracodawca otrzyma CV użyte przez Ciebie przy wcześniejszym aplikowaniu lub ostatni dodany przez Ciebie plik w Moje CV. Aby skorzystać z funkcji “Aplikuj szybko” musisz być zalogowany.


TELUS International AI Inc.

TELUS International AI Inc. partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community.

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